Tannas Foam Air Bath (TFAB)

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Tannas Foam Air Bath (TFAB)

Liquid baths have been used for D 892 foam testing since the inception of the method. With the call for foam testing at higher temperatures (150°C) came the desire to eliminate the safety risks and inprecision of hot, messy, oil baths and in 1995 sparked the development of an air foam bath by sister company, Savant Labs. Later, Tannas Co. began manufacturing and marketing the TFAB as a safe and reliable alternative for both foam methods.

The single bath approach of the TFAB dramatically reduces bench space requirements, eliminates the need to replace oxidized (discolored) bath oil, permits more accuracy in reading foam levels, significantly reduces the hazards of operating sequences of higher temperatures and reduces the time needed between temperature sequences. The TFAB has shown very good correlation to ASTM round robin studies and has assisted in ASTM efforts of improving test method precision.

Test Methods:

ASTM D 6082 and D 892 testing

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Product Literature

Tannas Foam Air Bath.pdf

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