Setaram VistoMS Coupling

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Setaram VistoMS Coupling

This new technique is the first true coupling innovation for many years, and is based upon a mass spectrometry technique that directly measures, without prior sample preparation, the ion’s cyclotron frequency and calculates the corresponding mass. One of the main advantages of the method is that it does not fragment the evolved molecules, allowing the simultaneous identification of numerous compounds easier to make. As such it has the power to deliver a very high resolution and a very high sensitivity for the measurement of evolved molecules.

The VistoMS coupling is designed for the investigation of degradation or decomposition of organic materials (plastics, resins, composites, food and pharmaceutical products, petroleum products, tobacco, cellulosic materials, organic wastes …) when a comprehensive identification and quantification of emitted gases is needed of even the smallest trace of evolved species.

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Product Literature

Setaram VistoMS Coupling.pdf

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