Part Number: MEDICARD
MEDICA-R and MEDICA-D (7/15) supply a constant flow of high purity water which is maintained by recirculation through ion exchange resins, UV, and an integral 0.2µm microfilter. It is an ideal choice for use with a single chemistry or immunoassay clinical analyzer.
MEDICA R (7/15) The low-usage option for tap water feed
A compact, dedicated unit providing CLRW grade water, the MEDICA-R is an ideal choice for use with a single chemistry or immunoassay clinical analyzer. Two models are available providing either 7 or 15 liters/hr, and facilitating an instantaneous demand of up to 1.8 liters/min from tap water feed.
MEDICA D (7/15) Low-usage option to meet dissolved oxygen specification
The MEDICA-D shares the same features as the MEDICA-R, providing CLRW grade water for single clinical analyzers. In addition, the MEDICA-D incorporates a deaeration membrane, providing a reliable dissolved oxygen specification that is required by some clinical analyzers. This product is also available in two models providing either 7 or 15 liters/hr.
Ideally suited for:
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