ELGA Labwater MEDICA® Pro EDI 60/120

Part Number: MEDICAEDI60120

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Predictable Running Costs At Higher Volumes

The MEDICA Pro range is specifically designed to meet the water quality needs of high performance, high volume single or multiple Clinical Diagnostic Analyzers. The MEDICA Pro EDI incorporates EDI ‘Pulse Technology’ using Electrodeionization (EDI). The system delivers 4 l/min of CLSI CLRW water with up to 60 or 120 l/hr productivity to meet your analyzer requirements. The single system design incorporates all the water purification components plus a 50-liter storage reservoir to ensure a very quick and cost-effective installation.

  • Space saving design ‘all in one’ design allows easy under-bench installation and flexibility for future relocation as the laboratory grows.

  • Economy incorporates ‘Pulse Technology’ using Electrodeionization (EDI) to ensure fixed and predictable running costs.

  • Guaranteed performance at all times through self-monitoring software with built-in emergency by-pass allows uninterrupted operation 24 hours per day.

  • Guaranteed bacterial specification onboard technology combined with easy system sanitization ensures a specification of <1 CFU/ml.

  • Upgradeable configuration from 60 l/hr up to 120 l/hr production rate, to grow as your laboratory demands increase.

Ideally suited for:

  • Large clinical analyzers or linked multiple analyzers requiring up to 120 liters/hr and an instantaneous demand of up to 4 liters/min

  • Automated analyzer platforms that use a mix of technologies, e.g. combining chemistry and immunoassays

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