Gas Chromatography
(FID, THC, NOX, BTX E SOX analyzers)
ZeroAir 5, ZeroAir 20
- The excellent solution for FID and FPD with guaranteed an absolutely stable disturbance-free baseline
- It is the expression of simplicity, requires only to switch it on to supply Zero Air HCT free
- It includes special reactor Pl / Pd studied by CLAIND and successfully used in over 2000 installations
- Economic, connected at 4 FID the payback is less than 1 year
- Dual Bench-top/Wall-mounting version
- High efficiency Palladium-Platinum HC system for removal of HCTs < 0,1 ppm at catalizing low temperature for an absolutely stable and disturbance–free baseline
- ZeroAir series is able to serve from 14 up to 55 FID
- Facility for integration with a Brezza series dedicated air compressor (AirComp)
- Catalyzer Temperature monitor included
- Possibility of parallel connections
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